Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Women in the current Western society are stupid.

No, really. They still bitch about women not having enough rights. Rights to do this, rights to do that. I don't think there's any more rights we can have without beginning to marginalise men more than they already are.

Don't get your panties in a bunch, bitches. I'm not saying YOU have to go back to being a subservient housewife who makes the bacon your man brings home. But if I want to do that, which I do, you better not dare get your knickers and underwire in a knot over it.

Feminism in the beginning was brilliant. We want to vote. We want to make decisions about our homes, and our children. We want the same pay, and the same job opportunities. See, those are ideals I can get behind. But that does not make me a feminist. Today, you see women going "OH MY GOD I HAVE TO DO SO MUCH SHIT TO LOOK PRETTY FOR MEN FUCKMYLIFE".

No, you don't.

You WANT to do so much shit to look pretty for the men in your life, but you're bitching because it's a lot of effort, expensive, and will wind you up in no better shape than you were before. If an employer doesn't hire you because you look like a slob, then it's not lawsuit-worthy. If a guy tells you you're not pretty enough, dump his ass and go back on the market for a lover. Don't bitch and complain that the media tells you you SHOULD behave/look/dress a certain way.

And before you even say the words 'Domestic Violence', let it be known that men have it so much worse. If a guy is being beat up by his abusive, adulterous wife, he's the one that gets in shit. If he gets a divorce from said abusive, adulterous wife, he also gets in shit. Because the women in this society will tell him that no matter what, he deserved it. And the judicial system is moving that way too. It's sad.

Men today have a ridiculous double standard thrown at them. If they're not having sex with every woman they meet, they're not manly enough. If they decide they want to save themselves, they're inexperienced and juvenile. Fuck that shit, I'd rather have my fiance tell me that I'm the only one he's with and cares about than know that he's fucking around. If women have to be so fucking pure and innocent, why do men have to be the exact damn opposite?

On behalf of my gender, guys, I'm sorry. We fucked up. I'll admit that so that the broomstick bitches in this world don't have to.

Peace, Love, and MarioKart