Monday, September 15, 2008

Existential Apathy

I get rattled by conversations involving politics. Not sure why.

Something about the gross...intellectual decomposition caused by politics bugs me. What's worse, is it's not even the politicians I can't stand anymore. It's the mouths of the voters that piss me off.

Think about it. You get your basic angry working-class Joe, who listens to the news making negative spin after negative spin on ye olde politician. And all this little Joe will do is bitch and moan over how terrible the world is growing to be. And after someone says "Why don't you do something about it?" they're met with the redundant response;

There's nothing I can do about it.

It sure as hell feels like there isn't, but I will admit that if someone out there is willing enough, and brass-balled enough to step in front of a mass media source and scream "This world is going to shit, and it's your fault because you're lazy," I'll be right behind them. Fuck, I'd do it myself if I knew where to start.

Maybe I should.

People need to suck up their inadequacies and start thinking about the world around them. Pull the stick out of your ass, and the gauze out of your ears, and listen to your surroundings. Listen to what other people think.

It's damn hard to do, I'm well aware. But it's not a matter of changing the world in a day. Never was. Just make little changes here and there, and watch as the little steps grow into big results. But before any of that can be done, the quintessential foundation needs to be laid;

Pay attention.

There's nothing you can do well with false or incomplete information. And this is the biggest problem being faced today. People will look no further than the information they want to hear, information that validates their opinion and makes them seem smart in the eyes of someone else, if only for that brief stint of a coffee-shop conversation.

Hypocrisy blooms constantly in this day and age. Promises made that will likely never be kept, ideas that are only half-founded and then promptly contradicted or reversed for fear of persecution, and ignorant fools sitting behind the television taking every word anyone says at face value. The metaphor is losing its flair in favour of literalist interpretations. Nobody wants to think for themselves anymore.

This is not the freedom the dead soldiers fought for. This is not the world the Renaissance scholars strived to create.

This is the world where the biota has become robotic. Pre-programmed opinions governed by corporate labels and anger/scare tactics, controlled by the minds everyone's mad at, but too afraid to push against. The human mind is a beautiful thing, and it's being fashioned into little more than it's own egocentric universe.

Sure, we still question everything. But does it count as questioning if it's never going to be heard?

Peace, Love, and MarioKart.