Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HA. HA. No evidence my ass.

I keep seeing throughout a lot of Evolution vs. ID vs. Creationism 'debates' that there's really no backing for evolution. And this makes me laugh. Because the Ani-Evolutionists constantly throw out sentences like "It's just a theory." And, well.....

PowerPoint Slide used with permission from Dr. Alex Mills, Biology professor at the University of Windsor, September 2007.

I have one thing to say about this. Learn the scientific definition of something if you're going to argue science. I don't feel like digging up evidence that supports evolution right now, but you can count on me bringing you some later. Peace, Love and MarioKart.


1 comment:

Ye Olde Draven said...

Peace, Love and MarioKart.

No Zelda?

But seriously. People don't usually consider the word "theory" to be scientifically proven, and technically, they aren't. However, they are supported, and supportable. So people are stupid.