Thursday, October 11, 2007

I officially matter in the eyes of the government. Whoopie

I checked the box next to a political candidate and determined which kind of parliament I want to see yesterday. (Also known as HOLYCRAPIVOTEDFORTHEFIRSTTIME)

It's official. I've legally grown up.

And now if I have something to say, it'll like...matter more to politicians...*snrk* Like that's possible.

Honestly, the only time something I said or felt made public media via something other than the internet, was when I ripped someone apart when talking about the smoking ban in Ontario (here's looking at you, Gordy.) I would've shredded his article about Transvestites in Training, but I conveniently can't seem to find it. Which I guess is fine, I'll just have to stalk the papers for more stupid things he says. I'm watching you, Henderson. And I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

And the whole city knows that I can rip your points apart, just like last time. Only now, I've got political views to roll with.

Peace, Love, and MarioKart.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Stereotypical Rendition of the Canadian National Anthem

Oh Cannabis
Our home-grown native plant.
Thanks for the high,
And now my money's spent.

With glowing joints
We start to rise
Above the Maple Tree.

Because of you,
Oh Cannabis,
I now have the munchies.

Thanks for the buzz,
Thanks for the weed.

Oh Cannabis, the perfect plant for me.
Oh Cannabis, the perfect plant for me.

(Disclaimer: THIS IS SATIRE, FOLKS.)

[[And for the record; no, I do not smoke marijuana.]]

Peace, Love, and MarioKart.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Rant About a Personal Passion.

Right. First things first. I have a hard-on for education. If I'm not learning something, I don't feel like I'm making adequate use of my time (as can be noted by the fact that I'm full of random and useless information.)

Anyway, so I was listening to the news today (shocker, I know) and I heard about how dearest Dalton (our current premier) breezed through Windsor and dodged questions like the nerdy kid in gym class dodges basketballs. And out of nowhere I hear him mention something about increasing funding for the public school system. At which point I scoffed and regarded my TV with disgust and lack of positive enthusiasm.

See, what I've been noticing (I'm still picking around to see if it's true or not) is that the non-public (read;religious) school systems seem to be faring better than the public school system. I see Catholic schools with ridiculously pristine, well-maintained facilities, beautiful theatrical equipment, etc. etc. et al. Also, we have mosque schools now. I'm sorry, and no offense, but that really pisses me off.

In a country that prides itself on being a diverse and (primarily) secular society, I find it insulting and, to put it bluntly, a vicious rape of the Charter to have an education system backed by religious influence. Yes, you have freedom of religion. Yes, you have freedom of education. However, this (upon just reading the charter) applies to individuals. Which is all well and good. You can believe what you want. But in my humble opinion, get religion out of the education system. It doesn't belong there.

I'm not saying that religion(s) shouldn't be learned about. That's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is make religious influence a nonexistent factor of the Canadian education system (For at least primary and secondary.)

Education is about learning, and in many cases (somewhat sadly), a gateway to a career and a potentially good job and subsequently a potentially good life. It should not be a place where religion is the basis and underlying influence behind the entire progression from JK to 12.

And I'm not just saying this about the Mosque school specifically. I want any independent or religious-based school systems to be obliterated, and the student populace of Canada united under one universal body of education, for the sake of just that; Education.

Believe what you want. But don't inject the influence of a religion in a supposedly secular organisation. Rant over.

Peace, Love and MarioKart.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HA. HA. No evidence my ass.

I keep seeing throughout a lot of Evolution vs. ID vs. Creationism 'debates' that there's really no backing for evolution. And this makes me laugh. Because the Ani-Evolutionists constantly throw out sentences like "It's just a theory." And, well.....

PowerPoint Slide used with permission from Dr. Alex Mills, Biology professor at the University of Windsor, September 2007.

I have one thing to say about this. Learn the scientific definition of something if you're going to argue science. I don't feel like digging up evidence that supports evolution right now, but you can count on me bringing you some later. Peace, Love and MarioKart.
