Monday, February 6, 2012

Letter to MP Stephen Woodworth

Dear Stephen Woodworth (and the agreeing members of Parliament);

I sincerely hope that you will reconsider your desires to reopen the abortion debate in Canada. Doing so will not only infringe on the rights of your female citizens, specifically those who are pregnant or will become pregnant, it will pose a severe breach of privacy that many women deserve in this nation.

As much as I dislike bringing up this argument, it is important enough to state, and more valid than many moral claims made in favour of keeping the government out of the life and choices of a pregnant woman. Any man wishing to pass legislation that explicitly, morally and politically targets women is absurd. There is no male equivalent to abortion, nor will there likely ever be despite scientific breakthroughs. Until such a time, if there is one, men [in politics] should steer clear from any moral legislative lobbies that affect only women. It is unfair, and quite possibly false representation.

Should this bill be brought to the House of Parliament, I as a Canadian Citizen demand that it be put to the electorate to decide. Such legislation, which would affect the electorate (and possibly devastate a part of it), should be placed at the hands of the people it would affect; such is the purpose of Democracy.

This issue is sensitive enough to people; and it is absolutely unnecessary to pass a legislature on the issue, because it will not provide enough benefit to Canadian society as a whole. Canadian women are well aware of how to morally accomodate for any pregnancies they experience in their lifetime, and do not need outside pressure from a government that does not know them as people, nor likely ever will.

Please adhere to Prime Minister Harper's wishes, and leave the issue alone. It has not harmed society as a whole, nor has there been evidence published to illustrate that it has.


Sabrina Belfast